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Loan– General rules.

  • Faculty, students, and staff holding the Africa Institute library card are eligible to borrow materials.
  • Borrowers from the Africa Institute must use their user card during the checkout process.
  • Visitors must register at the library and obtain a library card or a temporary borrowing card.
  • Visitors are required to present photo identification when borrowing materials.
  • All borrowers must agree to adhere to the library’s regulations, which include accepting responsibility for overdue fines, replacement expenses, and, if applicable, collection account fees.

Loan Period and Circulating Policies

Click here to view details about Loan Periods and Circulating Policies (PDF)

Library Holds

The Africa Institute patrons have the option to place a hold on circulating items within the library system, whether they are currently available at the library or checked out by other users.

Renewal and Return

  • Off-campus borrowers should bring their library card for checkout.
  • Borrowed material will be clipped with a due date receipt. Borrowers should use it as a reminder to prevent late fees.
  • All patrons are permitted to renew most items three times, except Alumni and visitors who can renew only one time.
  • Loans will only become due:
    • If another user makes a hold request for a checked-out item(s)
    • If there is block on a user’s account
    • If the user’s borrowing privileges expire
  • Not eligible for renewals: Course reserves and other short term loan items; audio/video items; and interlibrary loans.
  • If patrons cannot return items to the Africa Institute library personally, they should arrange to mail them back to the Institute, ensuring they arrive by the specified due date or earlier.


All regular materials on loan are subject to recall at any time at the library’s discretion.

  • Any borrowed items might be recalled.
  • The Africa Institute library users will be notified via email and are required to return the recalled items within 3 days.
  • If you do not return it within 3 days, a 1 AED fine per day will be assessed until it is returned.
  • Overdue recalls will prevent the user from borrowing.
  • To make alternative arrangements and avoid fines, users who are unable to return the materials on time due to unavoidable circumstances, should inform the library by sending an email to:

Overdue Library Materials – General Policies

Materials are considered overdue if they are not returned or renewed by the due date.

  • The library has the right to send courteous reminders for overdue items. However, prompt material return is still the borrower’s responsibility.
  • When a material is overdue, the Institute’s library billing desk automatically sends out a lost material invoice notice. A replacement invoice with a minimum charge of 1 AED per item will be sent.
  • The library reserves the right to suspend borrowing privileges for patrons with outstanding fines or unreturned materials.


Fine imposed by a library on materials that are overdue when returned.

Any lost, damaged, or non-returned materials labeled missing after its due date will incur late fees and replacement costs.

The library reserves the right to suspend borrowing privileges for patrons with outstanding fines or unreturned materials.

Replacement fees

  • Patrons are responsible for paying replacement fees promptly upon notification from the library. Failure to pay replacement fees may result in suspension of borrowing privileges and additional penalties.
  • Patrons are required to cover the cost of the lost material in addition to a 50.00 AED processing fees.
  • Borrowing privileges at the Africa Institute library are suspended if fees exceed 99.00 AED or if a recalled item is not returned on time.
  • Fees may be paid by credit card (Mastercard, Visa) or cash by contacting the library staff.
  • Processing fees may vary for multi-volume sets or rare materials.


Using library materials

  • Patrons are accountable for the library materials they manage, whether they borrow the item or use it in the library.
  • Access to library materials is only granted to users who have adhered to the proper borrowing procedures.
  • All patrons are expected to adhere to copyright and licensing restrictions while using library resources.
  • Users are required to refrain any damaging or marking up any library materials.
  • Users are not permitted to purposefully misplace items in the library.