Lecturer of Hausa

Lecturer of Hausa

Aliyu Mustapha Lawal is a Lecturer of Hausa and Arabic in the African Languages and Translation program. He worked as a Hausa lecturer at the Faculty of African Postgraduate Studies at Cairo University from 2014 to 2021. Additionally, he is the author of several publications in Arabic poetry, the Hausa language, and translation. Lawal has also worked as a translator, news editor, and broadcaster at the National Media Authority in Maspero, Egypt, from 2020 to 2021. He has made appearances on literary and cultural TV shows in the UAE and Egypt and has published numerous articles and poems in magazines such as Al Qawafee magazine in Sharjah, The Magazine of Arabic Language Academy in Sharjah, Al Azhar Magazine in Egypt, and One Million Poet Magazine in Abu Dhabi. As a poet, he has actively participated in several competitions and festivals of Arabic poetry, including the "Rabat International Book Fair" in Morocco in 2022, "The Prince of Poets Competition" in Abu Dhabi in 2021, the "Sharjah Poetic Festival" in Sharjah in 2019, and the "Luxor Poetic Festival" in Egypt in 2016.


Lawal’s research interest is concentrated on language and literature.


  • A Song by an Old Woman in The Hut. Alqawafi Magazine, Volume 47 (July 2023). Department of Culture, Sharjah, UAE.
  • On the Lips of "Dhad." The Magazine of Arabic Language Academy, Sharjah, Volume 5 (July 2023).
  • Travelling within the Panorama of History. One Million Poets Magazine, Volume 191 (December 2022) Poetry Academy, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  • Writing for the love of Arabic language. Sleeping on the Couch of Sorrow Poem 185 (June 2022) Poetry Academy, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  • A Player on the Piano of Nostalgia. Alqawafi Magazine, Volume 31 (March 2022). Department of Culture, Sharjah, UAE.
  • Al-Shamel in Conversation. Hausa textbook by Aliyu Mustapha Lawal, Suraj Sani Muhammad, Muhammad Ali Noufal. Rawabt for Publication and Information Technology, 2021.
  • Towards a new religious era translated into Hausa language (2021) with co-author Suraj Sani Muhammad,
  • Trilingual dictionary in Hausa, Arabic Somali (2021) with co-authors Suraj Sani Muhammad, and Dr. Mumin Alee Alim.
  • The Harvesters from the Imaginary Orchard. Alqawafi Magazine, Volume 16 (December 2020). Department of Culture, Sharjah, UAE.
  • Translation of "Egypt and Africa" to Hausa (2018).
  • Magic Talk: Collection of Arabic Poetry (2017).

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